This was my first time collaborating with Director Radha Blank and DP Eric Branco, as well as my first time working with Double-X 5222 (Black and White) Kodak film. Everything about this project was unique, and it turned out it needed a unique approach. I often work with a pipeline that mirrors the photochemical process, working under a “film curve” that matches print stock but for this film I discovered that we could get even better results working with the raw log data of the scans, so I could really expand the tonal range to see the entirety of what was captured on the negative. Working in black and white allowed me even more flexibility to expand the range of the image using a “zone system” type approach without having to be concerned with colorimetry.

We also did a lot of work exploring and working with the grain of the film, managing it and keeping it in the sweet spot as we worked.